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What is

Paint Correction?

Paint correction is a term used to describe the process of removing washed induced swirls and deeper random scratches from your car’s paint. We do this to every vehicle prior to applying any ceramic coatings. With paint correction, we create a surface that is scratch free as possible to ensure the ceramic coating has the proper bonding surface.

Like exfoliating your skin, there are levels of paint correction. Depending on the condition of your skin and how well you’ve protected over the years, will determine how close to perfect you can get your skin. This also determines how “aggressive” you’ll need to get in order to achieve the results you’re looking for. Well, it’s the same concept with correcting your car’s paint. There are generally three levels of paint correction we perform here in Gainesville FL.



Level 1


Paint Enhancement

    Paint enhancement is simply removing washed induced swirls that are on the very surface of the paint. Like a simple exfoliation to remove dry or callused skin, removing these swirls creates a clear, and prepped surface to apply the ceramic coating.


Level 2


One Step Paint Correction

    Although a paint enhancement clears up the car’s paint dramatically, it doesn’t remove the deeper scratches. A one step paint correction is like getting a chemical peel in the sense that it removes the swirls as well as medium to medium deep scratches creating a clear surface that is refined for those eye catching scratches. 


Level 3


Two Step Paint Correction

    The two step paint correction is like the surgical removal of a mole for either cosmetics or necessity purposes. The first step of a two step correction is the removal of swirls, medium to deep medium scratches as well as chasing the deeper scratches as much as possible. The first step is the surgical aspect that is aggressive then the second step is the healing cream of the two step paint correction that polishes the paint.


It’s not advised to perform any paint correction without some kind of durable protection. We advise if you are looking for paint correction to protect the remaining clear coat with at least a 2yr ceramic coating. Visit the Packages & Prices page for your options. Click the link below to create your estimate and even schedule your service if you’re ready!

Does Black Paint Cost More to Correct?


As much as I’d like to give you a straightforward answer to the cost of black paint correction, I simply cannot. However, I can give you some information so you can make an educated estimation. The color of the car’s paint doesn’t determine the difficulty of removing the scratches. The clear coat that is protecting the color has levels of hardness and this varies from car to car. Darker colored car paint enhances the imperfections within the clear coat and this is why it may cost more depending on your expectations, wants and needs.

It’s like wearing white clothes and standing in front of a black backdrop vs a white backdrop. In order to remove those scratches on a dark colored car takes more skill and time whereas on light colored cars they are not noticeable. This is the same for metallic vs non metallic paints as the reflection of the metallic hides some of the scratches from our eyes. This is why we feel that it is crucial to protect your car’s paint.

Does My New Car Need Paint Correction?

When we purchase a new car we consider the car’s paint to be in the best condition of the life of the vehicle and well this isn’t necessarily true. Dealerships clean the cars that are delivered and unfortunately proper cleaning processes are simply not in place and these bad habits create scratches and swirls. The amount of swirls on your car’s paint depends on how long the car has been on the lot and how many times it’s been washed. Oftentimes than not we see these wash induced swirls and scratches on new cars when we show up for ceramic coating services. We enjoy working with our customers so check out more about ceramic coatings and paint correction prices here.

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